我校特邀拥有45年教学经验的英国考文垂大学教授Prof Dr Ramzy
Gouda Abdel-Gayed作“工程中的数学应用”专题讲座,具体安排如下:
讲座主题:工程中的数学应用(Applying Mathematics for Engineering Studies)
主讲人:英国考文垂大学教授Prof Dr Ramzy Gouda Abdel-Gayed
Prof Dr Ramzy Abdel-Gayed is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing at Coventry University, UK and is the Subject Specialist for the Theromfluid Engineering, Automotive Engines and Power Train undergraduate and postgraduate modules. He has been the Course Director for a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Prof Dr Ramzy obtained his first degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1968 from Alexandria University, Egypt, and granted a Scholarship from University of Leeds and obtained his PhD in 1978.
Prof Dr Ramzy continued as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Leeds until 1989, researching in the field of turbulent combustion and ignition. Application of these researches lies in energy savings in combustion systems .And also has advanced understanding of large scale atmospheric explosions and between 1987 – 1989.He was also involved in consultancy work for Rolls-Royce plc in the development of plasma jet igniters in order to enhance ignition performance of gas turbine combustion chambers at altitude.
Prof Dr Ramzy research is of the highest calibre and is widely recognised internationally (h-index 11, i10-index 12 with over 1350 citations of his research since 2009). The work has led to the development of “A Two-Eddy Theory of Premixed Turbulent Flame Propagation” published in the Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London. His research has led to the publication of over 50 research papers in leading international journals such as Royal Society of London.
Prof Dr Ramzy has received many research grants from various agencies and universities and was awarded the honorary title of “Visiting Professor of Mechanical and Marine Engineering” from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt, 1995-1999. And currently an Honorary Professor for XUPT since 2016.
Prof Ramzy has over 45years of teaching experience at various universities in Egypt, China, Leeds and Coventry and was also seconded as Associate Professor of Thermal Engineering at King Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1996-1999.
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